i hate dave ramsey.

6 07 2010

which i’m pretty sure qualifies me for first class tickets to financial hell… but i don’t care. i find him intensely irritating, and also that his financial advice is in many ways oversimplified and somewhat patronizing. first and foremost:

“live like no one else so that you can live like no one else.”

i get that it makes sense to live leanly in the now so that you can have a better debt free life later on… but he makes it seem like you’re going to be able to winter in morocco or send your kids to boarding school if you can just pay off your debt. yes, i will be able to afford more once my bills are paid, but not that much more. doesn’t good ole dave realize that most people don’t make that much money?  a debt free life is absolutely better, but it isn’t necessarily the path to the upper middle classhood that seems so enticing. sorry dave, some people can only tighten their belts so much before things start to get RIDICULOUS.  i recently read a “we did it” account where the person was so excited to be out of debt because now she could feed her child hot dogs ON BUNS (just like on tv!) instead of naked hot dogs. um… lady, if you’re feeding your toddler on a steady diet of hot dogs in order to save cash- you’ve got some bigger problems.

I also have a really hard time with the overt religious overtones. basically, i don’t give a shit how much the snowball method could change my life, if all of your converts are praising the lord in tandem with praising you. it’s alienating for those of us who don’t put the “kingdom first”. basically, as soon as somebody drops the J-bomb, i’m outta there. (sorry jesus, nothing personal!).

but then there were puppies. yes, puppies (see adorableness above). the boyfriend and i have decided to invite a dog into the relationship, and are realizing that it’s gonna be stupid expensive. shots! crates! puppy playgroups! fancy kibble! and a bunch more stuff we don’t even know about yet. plus, the cost of the dog itself. but we don’t care because hello- PUPPIES!! (are you looking at these guys?). but, we have to care because it’s money. thus, i’ve decided to put my irritation aside (although i’ll still be trying to sidestep the jesusy bits), and give the ole dave ramsey patented rice and beans financial diet a try in attempt to save some extra cash this month for the impending puppiness. here are the rules:

1. $80 will be withdrawn on each sunday morning. $30 will be for groceries, $50 will be for spending money/incidentals during the week.

2. all cash remaining at the end of the week will be placed into a repository (TBD) to be evaluated at the conclusion of the month.

3. bills will be paid as usual, but the debit card will only be carried on sundays at the time of the withdrawal.

4. a several times weekly journal will chronicle my financial misadventures trying to live low on the hog.

maybe this doesn’t seem crazy or “beans & rice” level at all, but being a girl that goes out to eat at least half of her meals per week (and has been known to drop upwards of $60 on a single meal), and spends at least $30 a week on flea market bargains and target endcaps… it’s a sacrifice- i promise. will i be able to keep up my current lifestyle under the financial tyranny of dave ramsey? probably not, but you can enjoy watching me struggle! it’s time for me to remember how it really is to be broke. how little could you live on?



64 responses

6 07 2010

I don’t think it’s a good idea to halt all recreational spending or all “quality of life” spending in the name of reducing debt. In fact, I think that’s a sure way to fail. or at least be resentful and miserable. and probably smug as a result. which equals fail in my book.

however, i do think there’s something to be said for the snowball method – it’s sure getting my ass out of debt. I think the key is just what get packed in.

The key to debt stuff for me was figuring out where on earth all my money was going. Okay, okay, the key was for my then-girlfriend-now-wife to figure out where the hell all my money was going. When we first met, i was bringing home way more money (even more money than I’m bringing in now, 3 years later) and had very little savings and a whole mound of debt. Also, no budget. I didn’t even look at my bank statement. After a month or two of actually tracking what I spent (which you seem to already do), I was able to see the areas that seemed totally upside down. For example, why was I spending 50 bux a week on coffee??

Once I was able to see where a few dollars could be cut out, I could see what extra dough could be added to my debt each month. At first it really wasn’t much. Maybe $250? But if I tacked on that extra 250/month, every month, onto my highest interest rate loan, that doubled my car payment and cut the amount of time pay it off less than in half. Then, when i finished with that, I could throw the extra 500 bux per month at the next debt target. Which about tripled that payment (a student loan from grad school), etc. etc. until now i’m down to 2 loans left – 19k in debt after starting out at almost 60k. Of course, that includes throwing in some tax return and bonus money, too, when that came along.

However… during that time, my life in no way stopped. I’ve eaten out a lot of places, bought a house, planned and paid for a wedding and honeymoon, vacations and had enough money for two aging and wickedly expensive sick pets. That’s because I didn’t eradicate money from areas of my budget that I didn’t consider “wasteful.”

So I think that’s the key. Figure out where you can cut, and not be miserable, and stick to that like crazy. Like a fucking evangelical penny pincher. But don’t deny yourself the things that are important to you. If you do, what’s the point? You can be miserable with debt, sure – but why not be happy while getting out of it?

Plus, it shows you that you really can be responsible and comfortable at the same time. You don’t have to associate financial responsibility with prison conditions.

See? I’m still on my “accelerated debt repayment plan” – but i totally had 6 million cents to drop into this post. (sorry for such a looooooooong comment)

8 07 2010

i totally agree with the snowball method, i just don’t want it wrapped up with a christian agenda (sorry dave, leave jesus out of this!) i completely agree with you about not needing to live like an insane person (seriously, no hot dog buns?!) just to pay off debt. it’s like a crash diet. it’s only a matter of time before you clean out the fridge with your face. i think i’d much rather pay things off a little more slowly, and actually enjoy myself a little. i do however need to learn the difference between the things that make life enjoyable- and the excess stuff i buy on impulse. if i can figure out a way to focus my spending a little better, i think that’s where i’m gonna get that snow to throw at my ball. you’re also right on with the tracking thing. i’ve been using mint.com the last few months, and it’s been really eye opening to see how much i really spend on non essentials. p.s. i love your 6 million cents. i need to hear inspiring money stories from people i actually respect. it helps me remember that it really can be done.

6 07 2010

May the force be with you! 😉 I am a Christian and Dave Ramsey grates on my nerves pretty much for the reasons you mentioned. Back in 07 when I lost my job and had an almost 50% reduction in family income we had to get serious about our money and I read his stuff. Ugh…he has some decent ideas but his lack of grasping the idea that for some folk they don’t have enough money in the first place really bugged me.

If hot dogs on buns is the high light of living, wow! That’s actually sad and should be under stories you don’t want to share.

Seriously your plan sounds good, in my mind I say we should only have $50 a week for spending money but it never works out like that. I think about leaving the debit card at home but for some reason it scares me. What if the car breaks down and I need a tow, etc…anyway good luck. I have got to get a handle on my cash because I am out if control again so maybe I will be inspired reading what you are doing.

8 07 2010

amen! (pun intended). it’s not that i have anything against christianity, i just think it’s unfair for people who are trying to educate about a universal issue (money), to assume that everyone else shares (or should share) their view on something as personal and varied as religion. also, he’s kind of a douche. i’m really hoping that this experiment will help me budget more accurately, and to learn how much i really need to give myself. $50 is really not feeling like enough- and i’m trying really hard to rein it in! although i bet i could save a lot more if i stopped going out so much. unfortunately, in the more money vs. more life showdown, more life always wins. i’m definitely feeling the scariness of not having the debit card on me, although i don’t drive or have children, so the risks are substantially less for me. i think we just have to plug along with it. let me know if you crack the code!!

6 07 2010
Erica @ Just Call Me Cheap

Dave Ramsey is annoying to me also. My husband and I have debt that we are slowly paying off but we don’t want to live a bare bones lifestyle. I don’t want to drive a 1982 rusty van so that we don’t have a car payment. I don’t want to eat crappy food to save money on groceries. Granted, if we followed the Dave Ramsey plan our debt would be paid off faster but doing it that way would make me feel deprived and I know that I would end up going on a huge shopping spree when I couldn’t take it anymore. I also hate when people bring Jesus into things that Jesus most likely doesn’t care about. I’m sure he has more important things to think about than coupons and credit card debt.

8 07 2010

i figure that we all get a limited amount of time here on this sweet planet, and i want to spend them living. i’ve already learned that living doesn’t mean spending beyond my means on credit… but it also doesn’t mean living on bunless hot dogs. there’s a balance! as for jesus… i just don’t understand how the devoutly christian can find a way to wrap him around anything. i’m not really sure how getting cheap glad candles or eating bunless hot dogs changes anything.

24 01 2013

You are dumb. You are an idiot and financially doomed.

27 01 2013

thanks, tom. i may be financially doomed, but i don’t think it’s because i don’t like dave ramsey. but thanks for making that blanked judgement about my future based on the fact that we don’t have the same taste in financial gurus.

16 09 2013

Nice tom…..good reply……tell me… Ate u gonna “punch debt in THE FACE any time soon? Cause it’s very IMPORRRRTAAAAANTTT to live like no one else so u van live like no one else……he is SO FUKKIN ANNOYING

6 07 2010
Melanie Killingsworth

There’s a difference between living on a plan like this to save money (which is commendable as a personal choice) and living on a plan like this because there is no money.

As a recent graduate of a private college, I am almost completely debt free. I bought my (well-)used car outright, bought most of my appliances second-hand, etc. But with the field I’m going into (independent media production doesn’t sound exactly lucrative . . . ) I’ve found myself working-ish, but at starving artist level.

So I pay about $4 per day on average meals. I still manage to eat decently (and halfway healthy), but I have to be very creative. And because bulk is cheaper, I have to be OK with eating the same meal a few days in a row. I make a mean chili, pasta bake, and zucchini chowder, but it’d be nice to have it gone before I’ve resorted to crowbar-ing it out of the tupperware to reheat it.

But I’d rather be eating this way and working 10 hours a day on the set of a film that can pay me almost nothing, but that I believe in, than working at McDonald’s. If I ever get to the point where I just can’t subsist, I am not above taking a ‘menial’ job. I’ve done it before. But when it comes down to one or the other, I’m eating leftovers and open-faced sandwiches. The ‘things’ aren’t so important as the people I care about (who are free! and in fact, can often get together to pool meals and rides and such) and the work I love.

8 07 2010

i think you absolutely have the right idea. it seems like dave ramsey seems to think that what you have is more important that what you are doing with your time here on earth. you are extremely lucky to be debt free and to be doing something that you love. now is the best time in your life to be a starving artist. and if you continue to stay out of debt while you starve, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be starving for long.

6 07 2010

try to buy a dog that doesn’t weigh too much when it’s full grown. i swear they charge by the pound at the vet, plus the flea/tick medication and the heartworm pills all go by weight. i of course have a 110 lb. dog who is sucking the money out of me. porcupine quill extraction from face and mouth at 10pm on a sunday night = $150. ran full speed into horseshoe stake sticking out of ground = $400 for surgery since it tore muscle and got infected. it never fucking ends.

good luck with the dave ramsey thing, i think he’s a crackpot for jesus. i’m lucky i have very little debt.

8 07 2010

the good news is that the shiba inu is a small dog. usually about 20 lbs. max. we live in the city and have a fairly small condo- so we didn’t think it was fair to get a larger breed. also, shibas are sexy! they look like foxes when they’re full grown. shiba inuas for dave… just because i’m trying to live a little more rice and beans than i have been, does NOT mean that i’m drinking his kool aid. i definitely still put him in christian wingnut category. as long as you know how lucky you are not to have any debt, you’ll be in good shape. i’m going to beat that into my imaginary future children while they’re still fetuses.

6 07 2010

Other dog advice – buy pet insurance as soon as you get the dog (because they do “preexisting condition” exclusions for dogs too). It costs me less than $200 a year, and if the hound has a major issue, it’s a big help to know that I’m getting some of that money back – and sometime, over the life of your dog, he or she will have a large, unexpected expense.

8 07 2010

they make dog insurance? AWESOME. i will most definitely be looking into that. although i had pets as a child, this will be my first one as an adult, and apparently i have a lot to learn. do you have a company that you recommend?

8 07 2010

We have VPI (http://www.petinsurance.com/), and I have had a good experience with them, but I know there are others too. (I picked VPI because I got a discount through my work). I only got “emergency” coverage, so it doesn’t cover his annual exam – but I figured that’s a known expense we can budget for, while, with emergencies it’s helpful to know that there will be a little financial assistance coming your way.

12 07 2010

thanks for the intel! i will definitely check into it while we get our extensive puppy preparations underway. so much work for such a small thing! right now, they’re roughly the size of big guinea pigs in the most hilarious and adorable way. i still can’t just stop screaming PUPPIES!!! all day long.

6 07 2010

You should check out Gail Vaz-Oxlade if you haven’t already. She is much more my speed. I love to watch “Til Debt do us Part” and see her ask people “what the f**ck were you thinking?”

8 07 2010

thanks for the recommend! i can definitely get behind a woman who shouts obscenities at people who are making poor financial decisions. i’d love suzy more if she didn’t assume that everyone made enough money to have a 401K, but brassy definitely works for me.

7 07 2010
8 07 2010

OMG! thank you so much. i’ve been looking for this shit everywhere. i was starting to think that i hallucinated it. people need to see this.

13 07 2010
Tina B

wow! $50 a week for spending money? that’s too rich for my blood! 🙂
I’m horrible at budgeting, but before I went back to school I was lucky if I had $20 extra a month… and hoped to hell nothing bad happened to me or the (two) cats that would cost me any more debt. However, since I’ve got student loans paying my rent, I’ve been working hard to pay off my credit card debt. Once I finish this round of school I’ll only have student loan debt (and a car payment) instead of credit card payments. I’ve been doing really well lately with this, I’ve only got one card left. I can’t wait to hide/cancel my credit cards and (try to) never use them again!

13 07 2010

i used to be able to live on nothing, and now i’m struggling to stay afloat on $50 a week! it’s pretty sad. when i was in school, i made the mistake of buying things on credit, and now i’m paying for that on top of my student loans. totally sucks! you’re smart to live lean now and stay out of debt. i only wish i had been that good in my younger days. once they’re paid off though, don’t cancel them!!! put them in the freezer or something, but keep them open and charge something a couple times a year and pay it off right away. if you want to build a good FICO score, you need your credit to be longstanding.

13 07 2010
Tina B

oh no, I definitely racked up some good CC debt… but mostly on important things like taxes, food and clothing (which is arguably important). I waited too long to get a second job (or admit I needed a second job to stay afloat).
I don’t plan on canceling all of them. Just one or two that I’m extremely cranky at for sky rocketing my rates for no good reason (it was a “business decision”). Will definitely hang onto the ones I’ve had the longest. My Netflix gets charged to one of my cards monthly, and that will continue to happen until I ever decide to quit that addiction (never!). 🙂

16 07 2010

did you know that paying your taxes with a credit card is counted negatively against you when you apply for a loan?! i found out when i bought my condo. vicious! and netflix is one of the thing that makes life worth living. how dare you consider quitting!

23 08 2010

Keep up that fico score. The more you charge and pay interest the more I make on my investments. These people cutting back are killing me! Support the mega banks with your interest payments please. overdrafts and late payments are great too.

24 08 2010

glad to know that i’m keeping someone solvent, even if it isn’t me! although i regret to tell you that i haven’t paid a late fee or overdraft since i was 18. i also haven’t used my cards in over 2 years. i’m just paying off the mistakes i made in my twenties (and learning a very lengthy and difficult lesson). but don’t worry, there’s enough interest to go around. i’m sure your kids will be able to go to top notch colleges. 😛

26 09 2010

A few things come to mind.
1- If you don’t like what Dave says….don’t listen…you have a choice
2-If you don’t like that he leans heavy towards religion…don’t listen
3-If you don’t like that he suggests you cut to the bone early on so you don’t have to wish you did later…then don’t listen.

However…just stop and think about it…stop and think what he is saying…and USE YOUR BRAIN! Forget about what he says/preaches, what religious undertones he has…Just think about it.

Where do you think all your $$ for the next 20 years is going to go when you take out a student loan. ( been there, done that) If you are paying $400+ for a car payment, plus the insurance that goes along…don’t be surprised while you don’t have money. ( been there , done that also)

Dave makes no secret that he hasn’t come up w/ some “great idea” on his own. COMMON SENSE is the basis of what he says.

If you pay all your $$ to a bank…how are you supposed to have other money for a down payment on a house, or if there is an emergency…( like many of you have mentioned about pet emergencies)

All I am saying, if you are sending all your money somewhere else, don’t be surprised why you don’t have $$ at the end of the month. Just be honest with what you are doing..if you like to live it up, and not save..etc…More power to you…but once again…don’t be surprised when you don’t have any savings.

Lastly….the entire problem is many people don’t have the discipline to hold off until you can save money ( where it is rational to do so…like a car…couch, TV, etc,,etc..) Think about it…all the stimulus packages…the govt is putting out…Who is going to pay for that?? We are 20 years from now….short term gain…long term loss….0% car payments, no finance charges..etc..etc..SAME THING…Short term fix….but 20 years from now when we are all complaining that taxes are too high…we can all look back to this time and know why.

27 09 2010

cb. thanks for stopping by! first and foremost, let me make clear that i don’t listen to dave ramsey. i gave him a shot, and it wasn’t for me (thus, the article). i’m certainly not shitting on people who do love dave- he’s helped a lot of people conquer their debt, and despite my distaste for his style and religious overtones, he does have some really good ideas. he invented the snowball method- and you certainly can’t fault him for that. it’s not even that i wouldn’t use some of his techniques, but as outlined in the article, there are just a few things about him that don’t jive with me. who knows, maybe i’m not cut out for a financial guru. as for your insinuations about how i’m living my life, and what you think i should or shouldn’t be doing with my money, let me clarify.

1. unfortunately, i already have student loans. my parents took them out for me without me really understanding how it worked. that said, i do have them consolidated at a really low interest rate, and i do get to write them off on my taxes every year.

2. i already own a home, and i’m pretty proud of my kick ass sub-5% interest rate, and the fact that me and the boyfriend were able to come up with 10% down.

3. i don’t drive, so i’ve never had a car payment- or a parking ticket! i also am a crazy bargain hunter, and have never paid full retail for any big ticket item that i have purchased (which is a seldom occurrence anyway).

4. all that said, i have absolutely made financial mistakes. i have a shocking amount of credit card debt, i still struggle with compulsive shopping, and i definitely spend too much money eating out. what can i say, i am flawed! but i’m also working really hard to rectify those mistakes- using some ramseyesque techniques, some suze ormann ideas, and some shit i just came up with on my own. it’s not perfect, but i have a saving’s cushion for the first time in my life, and i haven’t used my credit cards in well over a year.

5. i don’t know who invited the discussion of stimulus packages into this discussion, but color me socialist- i don’t really mind paying more taxes if it means higher quality of services for the handicapped and underprivileged, road repair, education, health care… yeah, it’s not a perfect system. yes, there is corruption and wastefulness, but no system is perfect- because humans are imperfect.

anyway, thanks again for visiting, it’s always nice to get a little fire from the opposing side.

8 03 2012

It sounds like you put more than enough effort into your financial situation that you would be ahead before you knew it if you would follow the steps (which allows you to set your own budget, as tight or as loose as you want as long as the figures work out) to be out of debt in no time.

I feel that from the comments you made about not making anymore money once you’re debt free that you dont understand the concept of paying yourself or investing. When in debt your money mostly goes to interest. if you get out of debt you can start investing which makes you money not to mention gives you some money to start businesses and other ventures to increase earning.

The theory works out if you put it into practice but everyone has to make the decision that they want to do it. for some people its ok to live paycheck to paycheck the rest of their life.

21 03 2012

i might be one of those paycheck to paycheck people… it’s hard to tell. i feel like dave ramsey is a stricter diet than i know i can/want to adhere to. it’s not that he gives bad advice, but i just feel really strongly that it’s not for me. first and foremost, the jesus angle… but really, money anorexia isn’t my jam. even if it means i can “live like no one else” in a few years. also, maybe i should care more about investing, but i just don’t.

29 09 2010

Let me clarify , and apologize, with my use of the word “you”…I was using it as the collective “you…” not you as in the one who wrote the first post. I was no way trying to insinuate “you”, the writer of the original post, were living your life wrong..or right…I just reread my post, and I see why you would say that…and that was my mistake.

Having said that.

In my case, I also had student loans, but I didn’t know any better either. And to make matters worse, I took out car loans after I was done w/ school, but before I paid off the student loans ( one of the dumbest things I have ever done financially) live and learn.

Congrats on owning a home..I own a home also, but feel I could have owned one sooner had I made better financial decisions ( see above comment)

I have done a 180 w/ my spending where in the past it was more impulse buying…” sure, I will go out an buy another pair of jeans…or something for the car..etc.”…where now I second guess whether I need it, and usually don’t buy it.

As far as your own plan…more power to you. YOu have to do what works. I listen to Dave, but have not followed his ideas 100% . I don’t agree on everything he says…for instance, I still can’t use my debit card online for most purchases. Just don’t feel comfortable. Yes, I know it is insured, but when my account is wiped out, where is the $$ going to come from in the interim?

I am not 100% religious, so I just let the religious overtones roll off. For others I can see how this would be a sticking point.

I brought up the stimulus to make the connection between the short term gain , long term loss. Meaning, spending like crazy now, and later on “you” don’t have any $$ and are wondering why. Same can be said for govt stimulus. Fix it now in the short term, and pay later. So short term gain, long term loss. Fix it now, and someone else will clean up the mess. Not exactly an apples to apples comparison but close enough IMO.

I think this will open up a big discussion…but…I agree w/ your tax assessment and that it is hard for a system to be perfect, however I already pay enough in taxes…and don’t like to see my tax dollars wasted. I will leave it at that.

In the end, the majority of what Dave says, makes sense to me. Does it makes sense to everyone, no.. For me it has worked. I used to have much more on credit cards, school loans, car loans..etc. I haven’t had a car payment in almost 5 years. I use the credit card only to buy online ( for reasons mentioned above) and then pay it off when the bill comes each month. This is one of the reasons I think I have been able to pay cash for many things since then…including paying off my student loans.

My point of the entire first post was to say just think about your ( global your) situation , and be honest with yourself as to what your situation is. Don’t wonder why you don’t have money, when you have credit card debt out your ears, a new car payment, and student loans to pay.

My kids will not have any student loans…why…#1, b/c as a parent, I won’t allow them to get them. #2, I will have saved up to help them pay for school, and #3, I think they will work for some of their school also… I have made the mistakes, and see how having school loans put me behind. Figuratively speaking, if I took the money I would have paid in a car payment and insurance (let’s say 500) , put it under the mattress for 18 years…I would have $108,000 in 18 years. I am thinking my kids could go to school for that…maybe not an Ivy league school…but definitely a state school.

For me Suze is a little too much of a drama queen, and here “girlfiend”..bit is a little old…but it is TV, and that is her deal. It gets her ratings. But I do watch from time to time. I do think it is odd how people have to call up asking if they can afford something. We are all adults..should be able to figure out what to do IMO.

Once again, wasn’t trying to be disrespectful in my first post…was speaking globally, not specifically about your situation.

2 10 2010
the cottage child

Hi bessmarvin, found you from Coupon Goddess…I agree with cb on Dave – I like him, I’m a new Catholic (who could totally fit in at a fundie church no problem) so his Jesus stuff is neither here nor there to me…I appreciate that he shares his views actually – nice to know where someone is coming from for a little context. For me, it beats the shit out of the bees in the trees “lalalalala we’re all friends in the universe except we hate men {or} women you can’t trust them to share the bills” some of these asshats are dishing out. That’s become a cult in and of itself. No thanks.

Hey, have you ever listened to Clark Howard? He’s a level headed, non-confrontational, non-Jesusy common sense money kind of guy who also delves into consumer issues. And he’s unapologetically cheap and has a great insight into bargains:value.

Be well!

3 10 2010

you make an excellent point. i do think it’s good that dave uses his faith to connect to his audience, and i also like that he’s up front about it. it’s a little alienating to people like me who aren’t christian, but i respect that he’s authentic to who he is. i also do think that he has some good advice. they all do. really, it’s all about finding a guru that appeals to you. as of this moment, i still haven’t found my prince charming! although i’ve never heard of clark howard, but i will definitely check him out. also, phenomenal use of the word asshat!

3 10 2010

cb- thank you so much for coming back! i really appreciate that you clarified your original statement, and took the time to keep the discussion going (it made a huge difference!). as it turns out this time around, i completely agree with you. short term gain is a slippery slope that we as people, and we as a country need to be more careful about. just like we’re a nation of fat bastards, we’re also a nation of deep debts and insatiable appetites for stuff. i am certainly one of those people, but i hope that my awareness of the situation will eventually be my redemption.

as for dave ramsey, i do think he is a great choice for a lot of people. suze too (brassiness, bad hair, and all…). i also love the motley fools. there’s a lot of good advice floating around out there, and if we’re interested in hearing it, we’ve just gotta find someone that works for us.

i think it’s great that you’re going to educate your kids about the dangers of student loans. i don’t think i think they’re quite as evil as you do- but definitely a “proceed with caution” situation. i actually wrote a funny post a while back about how i won’t pay for my children to go to college. although i do think that what you’re doing for your kids is an amazing gift. i hope they understand that.

anyway, it sounds like you have come a long way financially. i am both jealous and impressed. again, thank you for coming back, it really says a lot about your integrity. much appreciated!

5 10 2010


No problem.

To be honest…I don’t have kids yet….but for me I look back upon days with a school loan, and really wish I had never done it. I can’t tell you what a relief it is to be done w/ a loan that pretty much can be as long as a mortgage! Perhaps my views will change when I do have kids..I also don’t think parents should pay their entire way either to go through school. But, also don’t want my children to be working so much to pay for school that they miss out on the experience, and/or do poorly in school. I think it will be a balance between the two. I will have to get back to you on this one!

In my opinion…Hard Work, plus discipline equals success. ( ok , so maybe a little luck thrown in there too!) THis is part of the reason I disagreed w/ you about paying taxes to better society. I don’t mind helping the people who need help, as long as they need help for the right reasons. People who are “milking the system”..and won’t work when they can..etc..I have issue with. How do you differentiate between the two…not sure…like you said, not a perfect system. I just really don’t think it is fair for me to work hard, and have to support those that don’t.

Seriously, though, I have come a long way $$ wise. As I said, about 180 from where I used to be. It is tough at times, but when you start seeing the benefits, that becomes a motivator. I am actually more serious about this type of “lifestyle” than I was when I started…( sounds like the same theory behind the debt snowball)… Now I almost have to work to spend money b/c I have gotten in my mind to not waste. A weird turnabout.

Believe me when I tell you, there is nothing greater than not having to worry about certain things money wise. Am I bragging? Absolutely not. I am perhaps the most humble person you will meet. I am just saying it is possible…and the ends do justify the means. Example…I am having some work done on the house…all cash. Did we save up, yes…did it take not driving a new car..yes…did it take other sacrifices..yes…I bring my lunch to work almost every day for instance

the biggest challenge for me is to realize that small savings along the way really do ad up.

I am staring down a big mortgage….but I know little by little I will pay it off…or atleast down significantly before we move. It is very easy to say, 100 dollars here, and there won’t make a difference but it does. That is still a challenge for me, but I think as we progress it will be easier.

As far as finding someone who works for you…well I actually think we would be foolish to just follow someone just because…I am not saying you are saying this at all…just saying I think we have to determine what works for us , and apply it. Following someone and not understanding why is almost as bad as not doing anything at all. At that point you are just a “sheep”. I think it is very analogous to religion in some respects. People go to church for certain reasons, People follow people about financial advice, or relationships etc…in other places. PLEASE Do not think I just compared Dave, Suzi, or anyone like that to God,( or insert your Deity here) Just making the comparison that we all go to certain people for help, and it wouldn’t make sense to do so “just because”…Sort of like going to church for no reason, or just b/c everyone else does.

I just believe there is sacrifice to live debt free…or should I say get there if you aren’t debt free already. If “you” believe what “you” ( global you) are doing is ok, and it works for “you”, then that is great. Who am I , Dave, or anyone else to say otherwise. My point is only this. When “you” sit down and look at why certain things are the way they are, just be honest w/ what is going on. If the reason you can’t afford a vacation is because you have a brand new 30,000 car..then just realize this is why.

I am fortunate to have a job that pays well so I realize this helps also. (once again, not bragging, just pointing out for those reading). But I also work hard in what I do, and nothing is handed to me. I have also wasted a ton of $$ on loans, new cars, trading cars for new cars, etc etc. However, what I have found too is that you can always have more $$. What you make is never enough.. The catch is to live w/in your means…and just be honest w/ yourself.

Let me ask you, and others….aside from the religious aspect…what about Dave isn’t appealing? I am sure this will stir up some conversation. I will start. Like I said earlier…I just can’t get to paying online w/ the debit card that also has my mortgage payment in it. Just can’t do it. I know you are safe, but it isn’t enough.

8 10 2010

cb. it’s funny. i think we probably have opposite views about a lot of things (religion… politics…), but in a lot of big ways, i think we absolutely agree.

1. student loans- totally proceed with caution! i don’t want my children (or anyone’s children) to have to start their lives with $100,000 in debt. it’s foolish. although i also don’t think that parent’s should pay for their children to go to school. i feel like if you don’t work for your education, you’re more likely to waste it. i think that kids should take time off, work, save, and figure something out once they have a real idea of how they view their future and what it’s like to be an adult/have responsibilities. if some student loans are part of this plan, i think that’s ok.

2. hard work certainly helps success, but does not necessarily guarantee it. i know a lot of good people (including my hardworking single mom when i was a kid) who have used the welfare and food stamps system to survive due to circumstances beyond their control- not to mention the mentally and physically disabled. no system is perfect, and i do think that welfare reform is necessary… but while you’re complaining about the poor folks stealing your tax money- you can bet your ass that there are just as many rich folks sticking their hand into the governmental kitty and grabbing big handfuls for themselves.

3. i don’t think that anyone needs a guru if they don’t want one! like religion, people need to find their own path- and there are a variety of paths- all right in their own way. some involve a guru figure, some don’t. it’s like how people can lose weight with jenny craig, or they can just diet and exercise at home. but of course i don’t support blind following of anything (thus my difficulty with religion!). it needs to be a thoughtful path- whatever it is.

4. i completely agree that there must be sacrifices made in order to become debt free, and it sounds like you have made some incredible progress in your life. i definitely need to learn to make more in order to get ahead. that said, i also believe in not being fanatical about it. i know some people who can’t enjoy anything unless they feel like they’re getting a “good deal”. it’s like money anorexia- they’re unable to comfortably spend what they’ve earned and it becomes a consuming obsession. those people are NOT FUN. i think there’s a balance between being prudent and becoming/remaining mostly debt free (some student loans and a mortgage don’t bother me), and also enjoying some of the fruits of your labors. what is the use of having it unless you can enjoy the experiences that it affords?

5. as for dave, he’s just not my style- like suze isn’t your style. the religion thing is HUGE for me, and because he’s so into it, his followers tend to be as well. i just can’t relate to the tone of the program. i also think that dave’s “live like no one else so you can live like no one else” is a little misleading and oversimplified. even when i don’t have debt, i still don’t make that much money. overall, i think his ideas are fine- he just doesn’t do it for me.

6. i grew up in a generation that always had the internet, so i have no fear when purchasing or making bill payments online with my debit card. i use only trusted sites, that have proven security. sure, maybe someday my info will get jacked- but maybe someday someone will steal my wallet and spend all my money that way. sort of like with welfare- no system will ever be perfect, but i prefer not living my life in fear. i wouldn’t be surprised if eventually paper billing disappeared all together.

anyway, thank you again for taking the time out to visit! i really admire your conviction, willpower, and ability to make those hard sacrifices. you will probably never find me calling into dave ramsey, but maybe someday i’ll get to scream “I’M DEBT FREE!!!!” too 🙂

14 10 2010

I was with you on #1….right up until “some student loans being ok part”… 100% agree w/ you on the not appreciating part and also you run the risk of doing poorly if you have no clue at why you are school. I am living proof. I started school “undeclared”..at a commuter branch of a very large state school. It was almost like “13th grade”…even rode w/ the same friend I went to High SChool w/!! Needless to say I didn’t do as well as I could…right to the point I realized what I wanted to do. Then I did much better…in the course in my major atleast Agreed also that they shouldn’t get a free ticket…but I also don’t want to see the college experience be ruined b/c they are working too hard. Think it has to be a balance. …Like is said, I will have to get back to you on that one! For me, getting rid of student loans was the greatest feeling…just because it felt like I will never get out from under them.

Your point #2.. Yes…agreed…about the mentally/physically handicapped receiving social security and the like…I don’t have issue with that at all. What I have a problem with are things like driving down the road and seeing 20 guys standing around watching one guy digging a hole in the ground….THEN my taxes go up each year. Or…that the more you make, the more you are taxed….this go right along w/ your point about “why shouldn’t you enjoy the money you make” point ( paraphrasing). If I work hard to make what I make, why should I be penalized more for doing it? Doesn’t make sense to me. I too come from a single parent household from age 8 on..I don’t remember food stamps, but I know there were sacrifices made, as well as my mom working 2 jobs at some point. Are there people who make tons of money benefiting from loopholes etc…absolutely….is it right…I guess it depends on your beliefs.

Remember also..success is relative to what you believe it is…it doesn’t always mean rich $$ wise…you can be rich other ways.

Your point 3….exactly…to each his/her own…you have to stick with what works.

Your point #4….I have made some sacrifices…but I have also made some REALLY DUMB mistakes…which makes getting out of those mistakes that much sweeter….which is why I have some of the beliefs I do, and have shared here. Being obsessed with savings, and not wasting $$ are two different things though.. Agreed…being too frugal isn’t good either UNLESS you are working for a goal…ie..like getting out of debt , saving for something etc.

Your point 5…part of the reason I don’t like Suzy is because I work in the media industry, and I see right through what she is all about…but that is also me being a little cynic from being in the industry. Interesting that you have such a hard time with religious overtones. I am probably just as religious as you ( I can count on one hand how many times I have been in at a church recently…)…but they don’t bother me, and never really thought much of them.

IMO don’t always equate success with $$. When I read ” I still don’t make that much money overall”….so his slogan “live like no one else…etc..”…really doesn’t work for me….OK…so you don’t make a ton of money and can’t buy a boat, take vacations, new cars..etc..etc…but I would be willing to bet that with no debt…even making 30k dollars..you are still living like no one else…Remember…it is all relative…just like success. It doesn’t always equate to money.

Point 6… I too have grown up atleast half of my life with computers etc.I also work on the technology side of the media…and I am what you could call a techno geek, sort of…not 100% hard core..but not still using a paper rolodex either!….it isn’t that I don’t trust technology…but..it is the what if there is a mistake in this particular case. I understand about security, but what I don’t want to have happen is some mistake and suddenly my mortgage payment is gone, even if just temporarily. Something I need to get better at. It isn’t about living in fear.. The ground could open up right underneath me as I type this…but I don’t worry about that. Maybe bills will disappear….but I think until you can digitally sign a document on you home computer, there will still be paper billing, and fax machines.

My belief can be summed up in the following statement. Just be honest with yourself. Once again, I am using the “global you” in the following. Just be honest…Don’t wonder why you don’t have $$ when you have credit cards, home equity loans, student loans..etc….When you sign up for those, just realize you are limiting yourself in other areas. Perhaps the ends justify the means with you..and that is fine. When you say ” I should enjoy my life now”…by buying a boat…or a second home…or a fancy car….that’s great…but once again…when something happens…and life “hiccups”…don’t be surprised…just be honest.

Are there circumstances where forces in your life are against you…sure…you mentioned some in your post…but I would also go out on a limb and say some people could also be a little more proactive as well. It is very easy to sit on the couch and bitch. If you can be honest with yourself…look in the mirror, and say I am doing everything in my power to fix this situation..and it still isn’t enough…..then maybe you can bitch about it…But until then…I don’t think you can. You may be ok with just sitting on the couch…but once again, just be honest as to why things are the way they are.

As I said in an earlier post we are a society of “we want it now”, and ” I deserve it”…IMO this kind of thinking can lead into trouble…The I want it now..is why we have so much credit card debt. BEEN THERE DONE THAT to a certain extent. The “I deserve it”…just feeds into the ” want it now part” Stop and think how much of society is driven by this mentality…” no money down”..no interest until 20XX”…no payments until 20XX…” We will pay off your current lease….( translated, we will roll the inequity into your next deal so you are always upside down”…government bail outs as I mentioned in my first post…( who do you think will be paying for all that???) It is no wonder there are Dave’s, Suzi’s…etc..doing so well ( BTW , she was just on QVC this past weekend )

My goal is to have our house paid for by the time I am 50…( less than 15 years away)…and we will make this goal. Will there be sacrifice along the way…sure there will. But when I get to that goal, and I can quit my job…and go do something else, and not have to worry about much aside from covering the taxes on the house…or when i sell this house for a profit, and walk into the next deal paying cash for a house…or with a very small mortgage…My family will be set.

Is a little sacrifice worth it…..to steal your phrase….”You bet your ass it is”….

17 10 2010

cb- i’m assuming that you’re not local (i can’t imagine there’s too many making a living in media here in maine!), but if you ever do come up this way we need to sit down for a cup of coffee and some lively debate. you’re giving me carpal tunnel! but seriously, you’ve given me a lot to think about. you know your shit, and you’ve actually managed to put what you know to work, and for that you have my infinite respect. i know you’ll have your house paid off before you’re 50!

27 10 2010

I’m going through his Peace University course now, and it seems to me like he doesn’t expect you to live on scraps until you’re rich at all. His plan comes with budgeting forms where you figure out how much money to allocate to what you need to have fun every month as well. He mentions quite often that everyone needs that certain amount of money to blow.

I think the problem is that if he grates on your nerves (and I can see how), you’ll tune out with disgust and miss the moments when he does clarify on some of your criticisms. It’s like a comedy show that everyone says is funny, and you don’t because you caught it that one or two times and it didn’t do anything for you. You’re not going to watch it again, and if it does pull off something that you’d find hilarious, you’ll never know it.

As for the religious part, I’d consider myself more agnostic than anything, and I tolerate Christianity and see it for all the good it does as well as the bad. Personally, if I were him I’d keep Christianity much more to the side. If he’s really concerned with the country’s financial culture as a whole, he should focus more on capturing a wider range of people of different beliefs. I’ve only listened briefly to him preaching about Christianity, and the little I’ve heard leads me to think that spreading that message is not his strong suit. Atheists and non-believers have heard the same message over and over, and he doesn’t tell it any differently from how we’ve heard it before. If it still hasn’t gotten through to us at this point, then it would behoove a Christian to try and talk to us about it from a different angle. Even then, we may not become converts, but you get what I mean.

My advice would be to listen with a fair ear and pull the things that can help you, and disgard what doesn’t apply. Dave Ramsey’s lessons don’t have to be taken with an “all or nothing” approach. I may never believe that God created the universe with a snap of his fingers, and made man that inherit original sin, so sent his only son to die on a cross to wash our sins away. It’s an incredible story that’s hard to accept as truth. It’s too incredible. It’s too fantastic, super-natural, and way out there. I don’t believe it, and don’t know if I ever will. But there’s a lot of enriching lessons on how to live your life buried in that book of theirs.

28 10 2010

hutch. it never ceases to amaze me how many people are bothered by the fact that i don’t like dave ramsey, and try to convince me otherwise. i am certainly open to debate, and you make some really good points, BUT the truth is that it’s not entirely his advice that i’m shunning (although i do think he has a tendency to oversimplify)- it’s him. i find him annoying and i don’t like his christian agenda. which is not to say that i am intolerant of religion- i think that people should have the right to worship or not worship however they see fit. that said, because i am not christian, i find it hard to relate to both dave and the majority of people who follow him (and call in to his show). i know that there is a lot of good advice in there worth hearing- but i also know that there are a lot of financial gurus that aren’t so conservative/christian, and who offer equally good advice in a way that is more fun for me to listen to. sort of how a lot of people hate suze orman (who i love). she’s brassy and loud and super pushy- and a lot people really seem to hate that. that doesn’t mean her advice is less worthy- it just means that she’s not the right fit for everyone. so no, you have not swayed me over to the dave ramsey side of life quite yet… but as always, i do appreciate you stopping by and putting in the time and thought to tell me what’s on your mind. you’ve definitely got things worth saying! 😀

28 10 2010
actually, i’m pretty sure it is your fault. « broke 207

[…] like it to be gone by the time i’m 35 (that’s T-minus 2 years and counting). maybe i hate dave ramsey because i know that he’s right about making severe lifestyle cuts in order to cut my […]

28 10 2010

No…don’t live in Maine…but have been to Moosehead Lake and Bar Harbor…..

we are on the same coast though…in driving distance.

thanks for the compliment

as for the post just above this one….exactly….he is right…because it is common sense…not necessarily his ideas….just like he says. Like I have said….just think…and at the very least it makes sense..whether you want to believe it…that’s up to you. We all have choices…just be honest w/ yourself about the choices ( and results) that come out of those choices.

4 11 2010
Dave's Bot

You are an idiot.

4 11 2010

thank’s dave bot! that’s a very christ like thing for you to say.

17 02 2011
Franklin TN

Dave Ramsey’s own home is the biggest motivation for me to save and work hard!

You will enjoy this profile on Dave Ramsey’s $10M 13,000sf home we did recently…


His monthly electric bill is $1,285!

19 02 2011

really? that bloated mess is shameful. nobody needs a house that big. if “living like no one else” means wasting all my money on some ridiculous uber-mcmansion… i’ll stay poor.

17 12 2011
chris smith

I just googled ” I hate Dave Ramsey” and found this site. It’s awesome. I am sinking in debt and feel like the only way I can get out is to start listening to that big mouthed, arrogant, a-hole, Dave Ramsey. Ok, so it must be nice to scream ” I’m debt free!!”. I was one month away from debt free once upon a time, and my son was diagnosed with an expensive illness. Even though I know how I managed money is my own fault, I don’t feel like tuning in and feeling bludgeoned by his sarcastic, arrogant comments on how stupid people are, (and me for doing the same things). He does have some good ideas, and obviously they worked for me once, but I wish there was someone else out there who was a little more encouraging and a LOT less of a jerk! It could be potentially inspiring. Why doesn’t one of you start your own radio show? I, for one, will tune in! I just keep hearing echos of friggin Dave Ramsey yelling how stupid everyone is, from his mansion on a hill…

3 03 2012

It seems like the common theme here is that most of you dont make enough money. I definitely understand but if that is the case then this book isn’t for you. If you don’t make enough money,which most people do but don’t know it, then you have to figure out a way to minimize the debt you incur. Otherwise, the book is great and straight to the point. Great ideas and concepts and very challenging to the natural

21 03 2012

it’s not that i don’t think that there is nothing of value in what good ole dave has to say, i just don’t like his approach. i don’t like the jesus factor. i think i need to find a guru who is a little less preachy and a little more badass.

11 07 2014

I totally agree with your assessment, Dave Ramsey never takes into account serious illness or car accidents or the like. He does however brag that he is rich enough to pay his medical bills in cash. We tried that for awhile because my husband has to do everything Dave does and that just placed us further in debt. God bless and good luck with your son.

9 04 2012

I don’t think any of you get it. Just like much of the world there are too many assumptions and ideas are being taking to literal. I made only 35000 a year and survived his program. I had buns with my dogs. Sorry you guys didn’t have better luck. Despite that as long as you guys are happy that is important too.

15 04 2012

there’s your problem right there RG. “i only made $35,000 a year and survived this program”!? $35,000 is A LOT of money for a lot of people. that’s the problem with dave ramsey, he reinforces the idea that $35,000 is on the poverty line. i support that you’re debt free. and if dave worked for you, more power to you.

4 01 2018
Liz Ann

Hi Bess Marvin. I agree with you about the 35,000 being a lot of money. It baffles me how people make high amounts of money. Thank you for saying that. Not everyone has the capability of making huge amounts of money. That’s where we don’t spend, but sometimes life happens. I used to live by the philosophy of not spending, but I have a health condition now and realize you can’t treat your health on the cheap. Dave doesn’t seem to recognize that. You do get what you pay for sometimes. And that thing about driving a beater car, well, I as a woman, would like a reliable car. He suggests people put themselves in an unsafe transportation situation. Being that he is a “Jesus follower” he should not be calling people “stupid.” Jesus would never condone that. I feel he is arrogant too and don’t like a comment he made about if you need a realtor, don’t go to your aunt or soccer coach who just became a realtor, trust a REAL PROFESSIONAL. Gee, Dave, don’t you recognize that people need to start somewhere. That comment was about the most cold-hearted, arrogant comment. I’m sure anyone starting that business would just love what he had to say. I am glad for your post. I have learned that you can’t live like a miser. It makes for MISERY!

9 04 2012
Ray Cofer

If you don’t like his personal religious stance turn to somebody else. He is very upfront with his beliefs but doesn’t bash people for their own beliefs. His financial advice is good but not genious certainly. Dave’s plan works (my situation is proof of that) but it takes time. I think you can follow his advice and still not use the envelops but there are more pitfalls the further away you get from his plan. I read where 85% of people do not pay off their credit cardes which explains why people continue to go further and further into debt. I do think he is right on the college loan issue. I love to hear about a wife who is 150,000 dollars in school debt and has a degree in sociology. On top of that, she stays home with one kid who is 6 years old and in school. If you don’t like him turn to somebody else. There is more than one plan out there that works.

15 04 2012

i don’t like dave. NEVER WILL. i’m not sure if i’m the financial guru type truth be told, but if i decide that i am- definitely not dave. i do agree that he gives some decent advice, but it’s wrapped up in too much piousness and condescension for me. funny thing is that every single person who comes here to stand up for dave has EXACTLY THE SAME ATTITUDE (check out RG “ONLY $35,000” below). your smug dismissal of things that don’t have value to you personally is totally grossing me out. although i agree that it would be best to have little or no student loan debt, i do value education. and if a woman wants to get a sociology degree- for whatever reason, it’s not a waste. even if she decides to be a stay at home mom.

13 06 2012

I TOTALLY agree, lol! I don’t “hate” Dave by any means, but with the Dave Ramsey philosophy I just felt “stuck and miserable” like there was no “light at the end of the tunnel” so to speak. I mean, the guy knows what he’s talking about, but lacks a critical skillset in my opinion, and that’s “people skills.” He just straight up comes out as “extremely harsh and miserable,” and doesn’t show you how to MAKE MORE MONEY “WHILE” you’re
paying off all your debt.

I quit listening to Dave just because I felt so hopeless… Especially when he’d tell people tht were in a horrible hole financially basically “too bad, so sad,” you WILL be living in it for 10, 15, 20 years when that’s not necessarily true “IF” you can increase your income at the sme time (pay off debt faster and build true wealth).

A little later I found out about a woman by the name of Dani Johnson and she has completely changed my life for forever. She also teaches people how to grow their income exponentially WHILE paying off all their debt and how to lower your bills (even your grocery bill to less than 500 per month for a family of 7-no joke… she lives by example to!). All I know is Dani is the REAL DEAL and showed me how to leverage my time and money, spend more time with my family/loved ones, and work less while making more money. Her “War on Debt” absolutely works… At the last First Steps a collective group of us had paid off over 6.7 million dollars of debt, worked less hours, spent more time with family, AND grew our income at the same time! I never thought my life could be where it is today and it wouldn’t be had I not found Dani’s book by a fluke at a Wal-Mart one day (it was the only one there and http://www.danijohnson.con doesn’t sell their books at Wal-Mart) Wierd, guess some things are fate!

13 06 2012

Too! I hate misspelling/typos 🙂

13 07 2012

HOPELESS. what a perfect way to describe how i feel when i’m listening to dave ramsay. you so knocked it out of the park on this one! i’ll definitely check out dani johnson. i’m not 100% sure i want/need a financial guru, but sound and sane financial advice is always welcome. ESPECIALLY if they put the value of family over the value of being rich. sorry dave, you’re beat.

15 07 2012

You know it is interesting how different people interpret Dave based on their own situation. I disagree with a few points. Perhaps he didn’t give you what you were looking for in how to make more money, but that is not his purpose. He has never that i heard said “listen to me and you will make more money” However he does talk about getting a second job to help as well as reducing spending to free up more of your money.

As far as not telling people who are thousands of dollars in debt the truth that it will take awhile, what would you rather be told? That there is some magic way to pay off 90000 in debt making 40000 a year? It is simple math. And so is his entire deal. Income and outgo. Spending more than you make doesn’t work. Period

I have never thought of Dave as holier than though, but I will admit I have noticed a little bit of an attitude change. Seems to be a little bit cockier the bigger he gets.

As for Dani Johnson, I went to her page because I never heard of her. Say what you want about Dave but then read the “about “section on her page. You can’t get much more of an inflated self serving “I am the greatest” tone than that IMO. If it works for you. Great.

Reading some of her site makes her sound like a business coach actually
What are her steps to get you out of debt within 5-7 years regardless of income (from her site).

There is no magic way. Sorry. Government isn’t going to bail you out.

22 08 2012

Hi CB,

I’m sincerely sorry that you completely misunderstood Dani Johnson. She NEVER “EVER” promotes that the government is going to quote “bail us out!” As a matter of fact… If you even listen to ONE “FREE” Training call you would understand that she teaches the EXACT “OPPOSITE!”. Dani simply teaches “TAKING FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY” W-H-I-L-E INCREASING YOUR SKILL SETS” at the same time, thereby you will be more employable by default.

Furthermore, these aren’t just basic skills you learn in some 4-yr degree program (btw, I have one of those that put me 30K in debt and didn’t do diddly squat to help me become more employable… But that’s all I know, lol).

All I know is that when I found Dani I learned how to COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY with everyone around me (something I was terrible at due to my type of personality), my quality of life got better and I began to have much more peace. For the first time i could motivate my kids… I also learned what a NEED was vs. a “want,” and I can tell you I spend less that 125.00 per week at the grocery store for a family of 6! Btw, if you don’t believe that’s possible and that DJ is just some egotistical liar, why don’t you head over to her website (or better yet call them up and her adult daughter Aricka who humbly works in customer service will send you the link to the free video she did on demonstrating HOW she shops!)

My point is you need to be extremely careful when you say someone has an “inflated ego” when for one thing, they absolutely don’t! The woman went through HELL, but she counts it all Joy and states time and time again, the reason was that she had a big stinky EGO that had to be put to death….Secondly, of you were to do even a tiny but of research you would find her TRUE story of how she was raised on welfare, pregnant at 17, homeless at 21, and a millionaire by 23! The catch is…. She had to go through extensive trials and lessons (even having a heart attack and nervous breakdown at 25 realizing making a buttload of money while throwing relationships out the window WASN’T WORTH IT!!!)

Ok, I’m done for the day! All I know is that Dani Johnson has forever changed my life (along with 1,000’s of others btw) in more ways than Incan count! The TRUTH is that 98% of the population will end up dead or dead broke by the age of 65. 98% of the population also MAKES EXCUSES instead of GETTING “RESULTS!”
There are THREE money skills we all have to learn if we want to build true long-term wealth. They are 1. How To Make Money 2. How Ro Keep Money 3. How To Make Your Money Woek FOR You (ie growing it on autopilot through investments, erc.).. And last thing, DJ and her husband live of less than 10% of their RETIRED HOME BASED BUSINESS RESIDUALS!!!! The rest that comes in goes to “The Kings Ransom” and they PHYSCIALLY go out and build orphanages and feed the poor with a group if clients they have helped in changing their lives. I’m sorry, but I just don’t see anything there that’s “inflated” or greedy… Their children ALL have their own businesses (one owns cows even), and they have been grooming them for success from a very young age…. Just saying!

2 12 2013

I saw an anti-Dave post by a Facebook friend recently. Having gone through the entire Financial Peace University course and sticking to it (despite my natural need to disprove it), I had to wonder: amidst the growing sea of Ramsey-praisers, are there any haters? And if so, why? I did a google search and landed here. Here’s what I have to say…
Education changes us. It can empower us, but it can also alienate us from the people who were there before we became informed. My grandpa was from a time and place where the meanest and hungriest survived. In his opinion, “book-learning” was for sissies and idiots. I thought that way too. My family were atheists, and didn’t seem to mind that they might be going to hell if there was one – it sounded like a kick-ass party hosted by AC/DC. Naturally, I agreed. As a child, my mom literally taught me that “stuff” is king, and that the best way to get it was to apply for credit cards and max them out, because they couldn’t make you pay it back. Thanks, mom. I’ve since learned a few things, and what I can tell you is that I’m in a different place. A place of financial, mental, and spiritual peace. From this place, I’m trying to educate my family, but you don’t know what you don’t know, and nothing I can say will convince them that Christianity (like book-learnin’ and money management) is actually a good thing if you seek it on your own instead of listening to people, with their opinions, interpretations, and agendas. Dave approaches money management from a biblical prospective. If you hate or don’t believe in God, you’ll naturally have a hard time with this. That’s what I’ve found to be the biggest common thread among the haters. And that’s okay. You live until you die, and you can’t take it with you. Life in earth is all about trading something for something else. I found that I was trading my happiness, peace of mind, and future stability for fun and “stuff”. It wasn’t working. It was a bad trade, so I started doing what continually-happy people were doing. It meant trying to be a Christian – not an easy task for a clever, smart-ass atheist. It meant acknowledging that I don’t know things that other people do. It meant letting ideas and people in. It meant being different. I traded stuff and fun for something better, and I’ve not regretted it. My wife and I are debt-free now. We recently had a baby and she was even able to quit work and raise him on my average salary. Will we be rich? I doubt it, but things could be a lot worse.

11 07 2014

I hate Dave Ramsey, he is a point of contention between myself and my husband and has caused many fights. His major point is “live like know one else so you can live like no one else.” I hate to break anyone’s heart here but no matter how much you cut out of you budget and live on tuna fish sandwiches you will never live like Dave Ramsey. Before he started his Financial Peace University racket do you know what he did for a living? He was a SALESMAN and now he is just selling something else. He is selling common sense and the only reason he is making money off it is because he thought of it first, I am sure if he hadn’t thought of it we would be listen to some other blow hard telling people about common sense. And the idea of paying cash for everything including cars is ridiculous and the only ones that can really live on that idea is the super rich, which Dave Ramsey is. I would like to see the bankruptcy records that he and his wife “supposedly” filed, there is no evidence he was ever that broke and if he was do you think he went back and paid all of the debt he got out of by declaring bankruptcy? I highly doubt it. And I am not uneducated about Dave Ramsey, I read his books, I have followed his “baby steps” but when I can’t take my daughter out for ice cream because we don’t have enough in the emergency fund there is something wrong. He is making his money of people who choose to follow his farce, he keeps publishing books and they say the same thing over and over just using different words. And he really doesn’t care about the average Joe he is just using your money to finance his house, his car and his children, have you seen the pictures of his brand new house? Is that really someone who cares about the average Joe? And I house that large do you really think he paid cash for it? And his radio show is a joke, people call in he gives them bad advice and then there are ten minutes of commercials of which I am sure he is making a significant financial gain out of. He was raving on his radio station how much he hates Facebook but then he said “BUT I AM STILL GOING TO USE IT FOR MARKETING”. And the fact that he drags God into his ranting’s is just going a little to far for me. At the age of 12 Jesus turn over tables at the temple in the face of people like Dave Ramsey. He worships one God and that is money. When he says that he is better than he deserves on his radio show he is not kidding. I have ranted for awhile but one thing still bothers me, where is his wife? I know he makes excuses for her that she doesn’t like crowds or being in the spotlight blah, blah. But what about when they were so “broke” that they didn’t have anything. My opinion he is a male pig and keeps his wife in the kitchen where she belongs. I am aware he has made his daughter part of his racket but that is just another marketing tool to have her appeal to a younger audience. My advice for what’s it’s worth go the public library, they have many, many books on budget for FREE. Educate yourself don’t let some know it all blowhard do it for you. And soon I am going to have a big bonfire in my yard and all of the Dave Ramsey books (he even writes children’s books for God’s sake) will go up in smoke like the trash that they are.

22 07 2015

Well said Jennifer!

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