secret vaseline money maker?!

9 05 2010

after sleeping until noon (yes, noon), i spent the majority of my afternoon/early evening gutting my coupon folder and trying to prioritize anything good that was going to be expiring in the next week. randomly unearthed, two $3.75/1 coupons for vaseline sheer infusion lotion. i’m not a huge lotion user, but i’ll tell you what i do like- FREE SHIT. actually, i like products that pay me for buying them. the lotion, normally $5.79 at shaw’s, is apparently lumped in with the $2.49 vaseline deal going on this week. i bought two, and made myself a tidy profit of $2.52. if you still have those coupons (from the 4-11 redplum), you should consider running your ass down there and picking some up. pad your purchase with $2.50 of other stuff, and get it all for free.

i  had a bunch of mother’s day quiche stuff to buy, so i went slightly over $2.50… but i did manage to pick up a couple of other decent finds while i was there too.

pace salsa (the only salsa that i’ve ever truly loved) is on sale for $1.99. the $.60/2 from the 5-2 smartsource brought them down to $1.39 each. i need a lot, because i’ll be dumping it all over these (the coupon goddess knows her shit when it comes to yummy).

i bought another crop of think thin bars (the chocolate fudge variety was AMAZING) still on sale for $1.99 each, brought down to $.99 with that $.50/1 coupon doubled. bitches need to go on super-sale. $.99 for a single granola bar is INSANE.

i also got 2 boxes of blackberries (my favorite spring fruit) for $1.69, and a couple bags of snikiddy grilled cheese puffs (they hit the cheez doodle spot without the garbage ingredients) on sale for $2.49 each with a bogo coupon i got for doing a survey for them. you can get them for almost as cheap by signing up on their website and getting this $1/1 coupon. so delicious.  go. go now.



17 responses

9 05 2010
The Coupon Goddess

You are AMAZING! Thanks for the heads up. The Sheer Infusions expire today and I didn’t want to waste my coupons. You rock.

10 05 2010

wonderful!! so excited to have a chance to help you out for a change (you are the coupon GODDESS after all :)!

9 05 2010

Check that out for a free Snikiddy coupon!

10 05 2010

AWESOME! i am all over this.

9 05 2010

I am so glad I saw this today…I had 6 Sheer Infusion coupons! Thank you!

10 05 2010

kick ass! i never have 6 of anything. i should really be more proactive about coupon hoarding. do you order online, or just get a bunch of paper inserts?

10 05 2010

I’m spoiled. I get one paper, my Mom gives me her inserts and my Aunt runs a nursing home so I get the inserts from her business as well. Works out great for things like this!!!

10 05 2010

i wish! i used to steal the ones from my office, but then we decided to stop getting the paper 😦 tragedy! although i have occasionally scored an extra one in my neighbor’s recycling bin. is that totally creepy?

9 05 2010

Thanks Allie! I got me some mangos with the overage from the vaseline~ good stuff!

10 05 2010

awesome. free produce is the best.

10 05 2010
Colleen O

I love that kind of FREE SHIT. I picked up the Pace salsa for $1.99 too, but my coupon was never scanned for it. And I used my green Giant Giant veggies coupon (was supposed to be up to $2.75 value so I got the pricey snap peas at $2.49 but the coupon only scanned at $1.99 off)
I did stock up on FiberPlus chocolate chip granola bars at $1.99 with $1 off 2.
I had stopped going to Shaws because they always rang up something wrong and I’d have to scruitinize my receipt and decide whether is was worth it to go back. Seeing that I spent $27.01 and saved $26.68 does make me pretty happy though. And knowing I’m not the only one who loves coupons so much makes me feel better 🙂

10 05 2010

i hear you! sometimes the checkers at shaw’s can be kind of a bummer (although the super wal*mart guys are usually THE WORST- surprise!). i usually go late at night and use the self checkout. even if the manager has to come over and help me, at least i know that my coupons have been entered correctly. $1.99 is still really good for the salsa though. i’m so glad to find more and more people in this town who are into coupons (solidarity!). we need to start some sort of non-lame group/club where we can all talk shop over cocktails.

10 05 2010
Colleen O

Coupons & Cocktails – genius!
That is actually the theme of my blog “cheap drink specials in Portland”

10 05 2010

it is genius. do you think we could actually get people to come? or would it just be the two of us getting wasted and talking about coupons? (ps. i’ve been to your blog! i do love a cheap drink).

10 05 2010

In reply to the comment on my blog…Walgreens IS safe and there are some GREAT deals there. I am no pro, by any means. Do you follow She has a great Walgreens tutorial on how to maximize the register rewards.

I go to the one in Windham because I had a terrible experience with the new one on Forest Ave. There was this young punk cashier that was HORRIFIED over coupons and was SOOOO rude that I was THIS close to writing a complaint. I had never been made to feel so pathetic in my life. And this was by a 20 year old cashier! Anyway, major ass – but I’m sure they’re not all like that there.

10 05 2010

my defense mechanism is to always go to the oldest female cashier. it’s usually safe that way. there’s a cute boy who works at the rite aid near where i work, and i have (on more than one occasion) decided to forgo a coupon-heavy transaction because it was too awkward! you totally should have filed a complaint though. that shit is messed up. i’ve wandered over to on occasion, but i don’t think i’ve been since the walgreens busted on to the scene. i’ll have to go check it out. i can’t very well call myself a crazy coupon lady if i’m afraid of the register rewards.

19 05 2011
worth the trip- coupon coma. « broke 207

[…] remember feeling so high (remember that money making vaseline lotion at shaw’s?) when i could grab something for free. like i was pulling off a tiny bank robbery or […]

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