weekend pickthrough- it’s totally still sunday edition.

8 11 2011

i have never seen more truly awful images in my life than i have today google image searching the word "sunday" . this was supposed to be a picture of a pair of "days of the week" underpants. but apparently, THIS IS WHAT YOU GET. good day.

ok. so i posted about my adventures at the mittapheap instead of doing the pickthrough yesterday… i just didn’t want to have 2 pickthroughs back to back. i could have skipped it entirely, but then there were a bunch of hot links that i didn’t want to get cold. also, i was sick. also, daylight saving time… i blame everyone/everything else but me. (and i’m positive that assessment will hold up in a court of law.) (did i mention that i watched 3 seasons of law & order SVU this weekend?)

so yeah, let’s keep this quick and dirty. here are the goods:

yes, auto-europe even has travel guides for vampire slayers.

joseph gordon levitt vs. kittens. NO CONTEST.

48 hours in lewiston auburn. (no really, it’s cool, i promise)

everyone loves an infographic about graveyard symbolism. right?

i never tire of looking at pretty girls in pretty clothes.

oh god. i guess i’ll be buying local honey from here on out…

this sock bun tutorial is going to revolutionize the way i handle my frequently unwashed hair.

i haven’t painted my nails in years, yet i find myself fully obsessed with the supernaturally perfect manicures on this nail polish blog.

a totally weird article about outsourcing fast food drive throughs… (or is it spelled THRU?)

why don’t i find awesome shit like this when i go thrifting?

forcing people to look like they’re shoplifting- for art. sorry lady, i don’t want your damn dirty break-up sweater.

weekend pickthrough- swapmaine hangover edition.

31 10 2011

we came. we saw. we SWAPPED. installment number two of the swapmaine citywide clothing swap went off on saturday afternoon like goddamn gangbusters (thanks especially to all of our donors, and our legion of impeccably dressed volunteers). we managed to scare up over 300 people, 3,000 lbs of clothing, and a whole fistful of money to donate to goodwill of northern new england! (we glow with pride)

of course, what we really want to talk about is what did we score?

sadly, i didn’t have too much time to shop in the chaos, but i did grab a few choice bits and pieces here and there

some of my favs are pictured to the left:

1. dkny silk maxi sailor dress (circa 1990ish)

2. YSL slik twill scarf (does anyone know how to get stains out of a silk scarf?)

3. amazing vintage slip

4. acid green heels

5. incredible glass brooch made by some company called “accessocraft NYC”

i also got a fistful of super soft racerback tanks, an olive green boatneck top from banana republic, a gold embellished t-shirt from j. crew, an unbelievable 90s print scarf, a printed cowlneck blouse, and a berry colored wrap sweater that makes me feel like a ballerina.  a totally respectable haul.

now before i move on to this week’s random ass links, i want to take a minute [imagine quiet voice here] to thank everyone who came out and joined in the madness. i hope you all enjoyed the bigger space and addition of snacks and raffle (FYI: whoever got the vintage jewelry lot is now my  mortal enemy).  and i just wanted to let you all know that as participants,  it is now your civic duty to take pictures of your amazing new things and send them to us (swapmaine@gmail.com) so that we can add them to our flickr and show them off to the world when we’re bragging about the superiority of our swap. adorable swap volunteer julia has already put hers up on her equally adorable blog, so GET TO IT YOU GODDAMN LAZY SLACKERS!

we also had our own roaming photog (thanks audrey!) snapping away during the event, so you should probably check back at the blog in a day or two to see if you’re swapmaine famous yet.

oh, but those links i was talking about… (because it’s almost 1 am, and i’m still a bit beat up and exhausted from all the swapping action). Read the rest of this entry »

weekend pickthrough- bottom of the sea edition.

17 10 2011

changing jobs is hard. somehow, i forgot about that part. i spent the majority of last week either lapsing into couch comas or trying to keep myself from bursting into hysterical tears at inopportune moments (with mixed results).

and then there was the part where i didn’t have time for the internet. which is weird, because i pretty much live on the internet full time. it’s my natural habitat (well, the internet and target).

basically, i was either trying to get my bearings at my new job (situation improving, if slowly), alseep, or sobbing hysterically in an unfortunate place. no twitter, no facebook, no gchat…  i feel like i was incarcerated, or in a coma, or at the bottom of the sea for the last 7 days, and i’m just finally resurfacing. i’m disoriented, and a little cranky. but i’m back, and as always, sorry for dropping off the planet for a bit.

i have a full lineup of posting schedule for this week (including my annual bad halloween costume roundup), but for the transition back into normalcy, let’s just start with a few easy links: Read the rest of this entry »

weekend pickthrough- flip turned upside down edition.

19 09 2011

yeah, i know it’s pretty sad that i couldn’t squeeze out another post last week. weekend pickthroughs back to back is pretty shameful. but this week, things in my life got a little shaken up (no, i’m not moving to bel air). some kind of awesome stuff happened  (for example, i’m gonna be motherfucking clara in this year’s burlesque nutcracker!). and some less awesome stuff happened (we’ll talk later). but mostly, my brain pretty much exploded and oozed out my ears. i spent most of the weekend in a benadryl coma trying to regain some semblance of equilibrium.

so far, slowly surfacing. but you know that thing about best laid plans or whatever. we’ll try again tomorrow. in the meantime, all you can eat link buffet below.

p.s. remember when will smith was awesome and hilarious? it pains me deeply that he seems to have morphed into a humorless oscar hungry scientologist. boo. Read the rest of this entry »

weekend pickthrough- vacation is over edition.

11 09 2011

i just had the worst vacation of my entire life. mostly i stayed home with my very sick dog just trying to get him by until his appointment with the specialist on friday. intermittently, i would cry or eat until i was sick. i basically had to be in the same room with him at all times, so all the things that were on my “TO DO” list (refinish my coffee table, make curtains, do all the laundry, go to the gym every day…) totally to didn’t get done. also, i come out of my week exhausted, cranky, and with a weird (and unattractive) stress rash on my neck. oh, and i gained 3 pounds. work would have been better.

ok, no more whining.

ok, maybe one last whine to punctuate my flamingly shitty week. vet specialst= $600. i was quoted $130 + pills or treatments. and thought, “how bad could it be?” SO BAD. $82 for prescription dog food. $72 for antibiotics! the specialist was actually awesome, and poor kazuki is already much improved from the massive bacterial infection & 2 ear infections that he was sporting this week.  he’ll be in the cone for a while, but a full recovery is in his immediate future. and shit, i would have spent $6,000 if i had to. i would take a bullet for that fucking dog (just look at him).

anyway, here are some awesome links to wash out the taste of badness: Read the rest of this entry »

weekend pickthrough- go the *uck outside edition.

20 06 2011

it’s summertime y’all! and as such, we will likely be keeping summer hours around these blog parts.  it is ludicrously beautiful outside, and i plan on spending as much time as humanly possible outdoors. other states are nice and all, but i like to think that maine puts them all to shame. here i am in the biggest city we got (ok, admittedly not that big, but still…), and there’s all this motherfucking unspoiled nature just minutes (at times seconds) away.

i’m especially feeling the love today after my friend pook turned me on to the glory that is portland trails. 30 trails all over the greater portland area, all equally surprising and awesome. oh, and all free.

for example, today we hit an incredible seaside bird sanctuary, AND a freakin waterfall. i have lived in this area since 1996, and had no idea there was a FREAKIN WATERFALL 5 minutes off the peninsula.

anyway, being outside is pretty famtastic, and fits happily within my summer fun budget of $0. i’m thinking long hikes, picnic lunches, brown paper bag beers, and falling asleep on the grass/rocks/beach while reading summer trash with puffy gold letters on the cover.

what’s in your budget for summer fun? (you can start by reading these links) Read the rest of this entry »

weekend pickthrough- writing binge edition.

6 06 2011

i love that this hot construction worker is wearing business casual attire and FULL MAKE UP.

it’s been several weeks of minimal action, and i finally feel like i’m bobbing to the surface again. after a friday night writing date (as it turns out $.50 refills at starbucks are actually a thing) with my dear friend kate, something in my brain just sort of exploded (in a good way, not an aneurysm way). as if whatever was causing the clog finally gave way, and all the words just gushed right out.

i’ve actually had kind of a bummer weekend, but being able to write again makes me feel like the construction related traffic on the highway to normalcy might be starting to clear up. that said, while we’re waiting for the stop sign to swtich to slow… here are a couple of nice distracting links: Read the rest of this entry »

long weekend pickthrough- FULL REBOOT edition.

1 06 2011

you know when you have a crappy old computer, and if you keep it on without restarting it for a while, it starts to run slower and slower and slower and fills you with increasingly more and more and more rage? well, that’s where i was last week. trying to remain functional without shutting off and getting less and less effective with every passing day. like that shitty gateway laptop your grandma gave you for college graduation.

this week, i decided it was finally time to reboot. i unapologetically shut my laptop on tuesday evening, and didn’t open it up again until today. i slept. i ate. i read! i even went to yoga like a fully functional human being. it was awesome. it’s not that i didn’t do anything while i was out, i just didn’t put any pressure on myself to do anything about it other than to maintain a state of general alive-ness.  here’s what you missed: Read the rest of this entry »

weekend pickthrough- swapping your face off edition.

23 05 2011

so saturday was finally the big SWAPmaine clothing swap showdown, and it was all kinds of rad. by 10 am, there were over 50 people lined up outside (shockingly, everyone was polite, and not a single fist or elbow was thrown).  that said, it was a mad crush to get to the good stuff, and our perfectly manicured piles were heavily intermingled by 10:15, as clothes were heaved in all directions.

everyone seemed happy and left with bulging sacks (yeah, i just said BULGING SACKS) and the smug smiles of people getting something for nothing, and yet somehow magically benefiting charity at the same time.

by 4 pm, i could barely stand. actually, by 4 pm i was sitting in a big box of sweaters yelling “MY FEET ARE BIG”!

i could barely get home.

i made a rash decision to get burger king for dinner (their veggie whopper is the bees fucking knees).

but  regardless of my physical pain and exhaustion (swapping is a SPORT people), i still couldn’t shake the glow of all the amazing stuff that i had scored at the swap… and how glorious my transitional spring/summer wardrobe is going to be as a result.

i hope to do a full-on fashion show post at some point in the near future (probably for the swapmaine blog), but here’s a little taste of the kind of awesome shit that was available for those who chose to swap: Read the rest of this entry »